“Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z” Japanese 1st Week Sales Figures
Published by 29 January 2014, 9:08 AM EST

While Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z is just now hitting North American shelves and digital platforms, it has been out in Japan for the last week, and its sales data is trickling in.


According to the Media Create sales list for the reporting period of 20 January 2014 to 26 January 2014, the game (released 23 January 2014) pushed 30,192 copies on the PlayStation 3 and another 22,901 copies on the Vita (with an unknown amount sold on the Xbox 360, not uncommon at all for Japan), for at least a combined 53,093 total copies.

While it is tough to draw exact parallels with prior games due to the console generation shift in-progress and the fact that Battle of Z is available on both consoles and a portable system, our buddy Super Saiyan Prime saved us a little bit of leg-work and put together a list of previous games and their first-week sales alongside their last-known total sales figures:

Ultimate Blast / Ultimate Tenkaichi (2011)

  • PS3: 44,593 (first week) / 81,181 (last-known total)
  • 360: less than 3,529 (last-known) total

Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butōden (2011)

Tag VS / Tenkaichi Tag Team (2010)

  • PSP: 19,080 (first week) / 68,733 (last-known total)

Raging Blast 2 (2010)

  • PS3: 47,610 (first week) / 96,210 (last-known total)
  • 360: 3,000 (first-week) / less than 4,046 (last-known total)
  • Combined First Week Total: 50,610

Raging Blast (2009)

  • PS3: 57,972 (first week) / 118,821 (last-known total)
  • 360: 6,561 (first-week) / 9,745 (last-known total)
  • Combined First Week Total: 64,533

Burst Limit (2008)

  • PS3: 92,298 (first week) / 152,582 (last-known total)
  • 360: less than 20,933 (last-known total)
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