Podcast Episode #0357
Published by 04 March 2014, 9:56 PM EST

Back in December we brought on Kirran / @LordMoonstone to do the job that the developers of the new video game Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z were seemingly unwilling to do: explain what the heck the game was. Fighting game? Team-battle game? Both? Neither?

This time around, Kirran joins us again to discuss the full retail version of the game a month after its release. With expectations in check, does it live up to its potential? Is the full roster diverse enough? Are online matches even playable? Listen in to find out, and stay tuned to the site for our (eventual…!) full written review of the game.


Episode #0357! VegettoEX and LordMoonstone discuss the final retail version of “Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z” for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Vita. With expectations for the team-battle game now fully in check, does it live up to its potential, and do you need a full group of real-life friends to get anything out of the game? “Dragon Ball Kai” and “Jaco the Galactic Patrolman” news wrap up the episode!


Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum.

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  • jrdemr says:

    Do you still plan to make a podcast review of the full color manga?

    • VegettoEX says:

      Not entirely sure. I may just wait for the entire Saiyan Arc to come out in English before attacking it for the podcast. There’s nothing else for me to say on the show that I haven’t already said in the written review, and that feels kinda redundant to do. I like to use podcast reviews sorta like primers for written reviews if that’s the order I can produce them in, but it’s not a hard rule I absolutely have to abide by.

  • jrdemr says:

    Okay, just wondering. The written review is enough, but I’d still like to actually hear your thoughts on it. Thanks for the answer.

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