“J-Stars Victory Vs” (JP PS3/Vita) Final Boss Revealed
Published by 13 March 2014, 9:49 AM EDT

Next week’s upcoming 2014 #16 issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump in Japan reveals the final boss for J-Stars Victory Vs, the Jump-franchise crossover fighting game extravaganza also due out next week on the PlayStation 3 and Vita exclusively in Japan.

Named “Dark Phantom”, the boss character takes on the identical form of the heroes and challenges them to a fight with the same powers and techniques. In this fight, your allies unexpectedly hold the key to victory!


Famitsu has given the PS3 and Vita versions of the game a score of 8/8/8/8 (a cumulative 32/40).

While the idea of a shape-shifting boss generally brings to mind Shang Tsung from the Mortal Kombat series, Dragon Ball actually has its own: Majin Ozotto (translated within the game as “Ozotto the Super Monster”) from the 1994 arcade game, Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. Check out Episode #0293 of our podcast for a discussion of some of these original video game characters lost to the ages.


J-Stars Victory Vs is due out exclusively in Japan on the PlayStation 3 and Vita 19 March 2014 in both regular and “Limited Edition / Anison” versions. Pre-orders are available on sites such as CDJapan and Play-Asia among others.

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