Next week’s upcoming 2014 #16 issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump in Japan reveals the final boss for J-Stars Victory Vs, the Jump-franchise crossover fighting game extravaganza also due out next week on the PlayStation 3 and Vita exclusively in Japan.
Named “Dark Phantom”, the boss character takes on the identical form of the heroes and challenges them to a fight with the same powers and techniques. In this fight, your allies unexpectedly hold the key to victory!
Famitsu has given the PS3 and Vita versions of the game a score of 8/8/8/8 (a cumulative 32/40).
While the idea of a shape-shifting boss generally brings to mind Shang Tsung from the Mortal Kombat series, Dragon Ball actually has its own: Majin Ozotto (translated within the game as “Ozotto the Super Monster”) from the 1994 arcade game, Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. Check out Episode #0293 of our podcast for a discussion of some of these original video game characters lost to the ages.
J-Stars Victory Vs is due out exclusively in Japan on the PlayStation 3 and Vita 19 March 2014 in both regular and “Limited Edition / Anison” versions. Pre-orders are available on sites such as CDJapan and Play-Asia among others.
Zelda also did this back in 87 with Shadow Link in Adventure of Link. Always liked the idea of fighting your darker self in games.
This just sounds like a cop-out rather than creating an all-new balanced character.