J-Stars Victory Vs, the Jump-franchise crossover fighting game extravaganza, originally hit Japanese shelves back on 19 March 2013 on the PlayStation 3 and Vita in Japan.
For the period of 17 March 2013 to 23 March 2014, according to the Media Create sales chart, the game pushed 118,240 copies on the PS3 and another 97,821 on the Vita. The game grabbed the #4 and #5 spots on the list, respectively, coming in behind the new Nintendo 3DS Mario Party, Samurai Warriors 4 on the PlayStation 3, and the PlayStation 3 version of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes; all titles were initially released during the reporting period.
The game was also digitally available on the PlayStation Store for both platforms, though these figures are not reported in the physical game sales.