Podcast Episode #0431
Published by 10 January 2018, 9:49 AM EST

One of our favorite podcast traditions is our annual review of the top news stories, checking back on predictions we made the previous year, and making new predictions for the upcoming year! This time around, a good 3/4 of the Kanzenshuu staff is on hand for the speculation, so tune in for all the best hot takes around!

Episode #0431! Mike, Jake, and Julian reflect on the top news stories from 2017, as well as what we felt were some of the other important stories for the year. We check in on our predictions from last year, make new predictions for 2018, and toss around some listener predictions for the new year as well. Finally, what do we have on tap for the website in 2018?!


Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum, and be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Tumblr.

Our podcast feed is available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud.

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