“The Nearly Complete Works of Akira Toriyama”: Work #043
Published by 20 March 2018, 10:44 AM EDT

The official Dragon Ball website’s forty-third entry in “The Nearly Complete Works of Akira Toriyama” — an on-going series highlighting rare and important pieces of the author’s work over the years — is the first page from Toriyama’s one-shot Mahimahi the Lungfish.

The nine-page, full color one-shot was published 19 December 1998 in the 1999 No. 4-5 double-issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump. The story explores the everyday life of a lungfish, and is a bit of an atypical work of an “educational” bent. Toriyama’s author comment that issue read as follows:

メダカ人魚のスイスイは僕自身!? ああ仕事を忘れて水槽の中で泳いでいたいものだ <明>

Sui-Sui the ricefish mermaid is yours truly?! Ah, I just want to forget about my work, and swim around in the fish tank. <Akira>

Thanks to Nickolaus for the higher-quality scan!

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