Podcast Episode #0447
Published by 25 June 2018, 2:51 PM EDT

We return with the seventh round in our “Dragon Ball GT Review of Awesomeness” to cover episodes 28-31. Baby has infected the entire population of Earth, is handed the Dragon Balls, transforms, prepares to lead his new Tsufruian population out into space… is there anyone who can defeat him?!

Episode #0447! Mike, Meri, and Jeff continue onward in the “Dragon Ball GT Review of Awesomeness” to cover “Dragon Ball GT” episodes 28-31! Though our heroic trio returns from space with the Ultimate Dragon Balls, all hope is lost when they find Baby has infected and enslaved the entire population of Earth. Who can possible take on Baby now?!


  • 00:13 – Introduction
  • 01:47 – Topic
  • 51:52 – Wrap-up


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