Dragon Ball AF… Did You Fall For It~?!
Published by 02 April 2004, 12:00 AM EST

So what did everyone think of yesterday’s April Fool’s prank?! What an amazing response we got; it definitely made our day. Big special thanks to Anime News Network for the plug, as well.

It was extremely elaborate, we know; but what other way would Daizenshuu EX pull a prank? It’s all or nuthin’, baby~!

For the full-scoop, you will have to check out our huge feature on the Dragon Ball AF April Fool’s Prank. You will find real English translations of the video commercial, the print-ad, and a full behind-the-scenes look at the prank from beginning to end. You can even download the commercial, which has the original scenes (from One Piece and Utena) that we took the voices from! You will also see some select quotes from message boards and e-mails — we tracked them all day long! Yeah, we pretty much lived in our web referrals all day… but it was worth it. You kids all had some pretty funky stuff to say!

Anyway, thanks for all the support (or lack of support if you didn’t like the joke :P). If anything, we look forward to having some of you be new, regular visitors to the site; there is a ton of awesome stuff you will find on the site, so let us know what you think. Thanks again, everyone, for a successful April Fool’s 2004!

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