Upcoming FUNimation DBZ Movies & DBGT Releases
Published by 09 November 2008, 9:13 PM EST

FUNimation will finally be breaking their shockingly accurate chronological consistency for the first time in the next “remastered” series of releases by packing DBZ movies 7 and 9 together:

Skipping the eighth movie makes sense if they plan to release the Broli movies (perhaps all three) together in one package. This double feature set (with an odd shot of Vegeta from the TV series as opposed to either of the movies within the set) will be dropping 10 February 2009, along with the second “season” (really just the second half) of the Dragon Ball GT TV series:

Early reports are noting that the DBGT TV special (retitled by FUNimation as “A Hero’s Legacy”) will also be included on this set.

In somewhat-related news, there was a cute little marketing blunder on FUNimation’s website recently in their promotion of the DBZ movies 5 & 6 “Double Feature” set:

The HD-DVD listing is obviously a mistake, and would take visitors to the standard DVD page.

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