“Dragon Ball Kai – Artificial Humans & Cell arc” DVD Vol. 13-14
Published by 12 June 2011, 4:53 PM EDT

Happinet has released the Gohan-centric cover art for the thirteenth and fourteenth DVD volumes of the “Artificial Humans & Cell arc” of Dragon Ball Kai.  Both are scheduled to be released 02 July 2011 and are retailing for ¥2,940 (~$35), but you can of course pre-order them for a tad cheaper from most online retailers. These volumes will contain episodes 91-93 and 94-96, respectively, presented in 16:9 widescreen. These releases all contain the Shunsuke Kikuchi replacement score, as opposed to their original broadcast score from Kenji Yamamoto.

There is only one DVD and Blu-ray release left, and then Toei Animations experiment known as Dragon Ball Kai will finally come to an end.

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