Due to it being such a light-hearted franchise, we typically have endless light-hearted discussions on our podcast. This week, however, we dive into far more serious territory, and an area we are moderately shocked never really kicked off any larger criticism or movement: in episode 56 of the original Dragon Ball TV series, and in a scene exclusive to the TV adaptation, General Blue is essentially painted as a pedophile. Was this just a poor attempt at humor that fell flat, or is it worthy of additional analysis and condemnation? Download the show now, or head on over to the podcast page for more information or to subscribe.
Episode #0285! VegettoEX, Meri, and Hujio discuss a short scene from DragonBall TV episode 56 that essentially paints General Blue as a pedophile. Was this just a poor attempt at humor that fell flat, or is it worthy of additional analysis and condemnation? New merchandise in Brazil, the launch of DBGT on Nicktoons (the kids will be OK, we promise), and more rounds out the episode.