“Dragon Ball Z for Kinect” Additional Tidbits
Published by 18 April 2012, 8:19 AM EDT

The press embargo for the upcoming Dragon Ball Z for Kinect lifted yesterday, so in addition to its debut trailer, many news outlets are pushing out their hands-on impressions and such.

As expected, the game will contain over 50 characters and over 100 unique moves. It will also include one “never-before-seen” character — plenty of guesses and speculations are running rampant already, but we can probably guess that said character will likely tie in with the “exclusive anime content” we know to be included with the game, which Enos noted as debuting in the US and Europe for the first time.

The game will of course be played primarily in first-person, but as shown in the trailer, will shift to third-person for certain attacks. There are two different modes of play coming in the game: a standard story mode (where you progress through opponents and story line elements), as well as a score attack mode, which was the one shown off to press last week at Namco-Bandai’s Global Gamers Day. There is no multiplayer currently planned for the game.

Thanks to Super Saiyan Prime for the heads-up.

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  • darkprince92 says:

    Despite this hot chick making this game look that much more enjoyable, I still think we’re being ripped off. WHY IS THERE ONLY 50 CHARACTERS? Oh but again, they are trying to get us with that “Never Before Seen Character” BS. I kinda understand that they wanna see how this game does before they do more with it, and if anything make characters as DLC, but at this point, I want an all or nothing game.

  • daimorukiri says:

    So when are we going to get out of the fighting game genre and get into an action-rpg joyride?
    I’m getting sick of the same game year in and year out since budokai 3!! Something like Zenkai Battle Royale would be awesome with a story line!

  • sangofe says:

    I hope this isn’t the only HD game coming out this year…

  • haji says:

    Yeah, i know. Getting tired of seeing DBZ fighting games every year. And yes that’s what i say, that there needs to be a good action adventure DBZ game, and also open world.

  • songoku says:

    yea, like DB Online 😀 that would be great, but i’ll still play other games too ^^

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