Toei Animation’s official “Battle of Gods” website has posted their first “Special Contents” page, a logo maker based on the Dragon Ball Z logo. Simply enter your name into the “Moji Maker Z” form, choose your preferred background, and hit the “GO!” button. You can then post your personalized logo on either your Facebook or Twitter account, which is a rather genius and inexpensive advertising move by Toei for the upcoming “Battle of Gods” movie. The logo maker gets its name from the Japanese word moji (文字), which means “character”, as in the letters of the alphabet. Now go make your own Dragon Ball Z-style logo!
Dragon Ball Z Moji Maker Added to Official ‘Battle of Gods’ Website
12 January 2013, 10:59 AM ESTDBZ Movie 2013
^ IKR?! XD Great way to promote the movie for sure… LOL!
This is simply too much fun. 😀
TOTALLY makin’ a Facebook Cover Photo from this!