New Translations: Akira Toriyama Messages
Published by 02 July 2013, 12:42 PM EDT

While Akira Toriyama has clearly been busy getting ready for a new manga project (which will be hitting Japanese and English Weekly Shōnen Jump at the same time in two weeks), he has still managed to pen a couple messages for specific audiences and colleagues.

The first collected volume of Dragon Ball SD, Naho Ooishi‘s spin-off/reboot manga from Saikyō Jump, saw its release back in April. Included as a bonus in the volume was a message to Ooishi from Toriyama himself:

Naho Ooishi-san, congratulations on Dragon Ball SD‘s becoming a comics volume!
I am thankful for you always livening up Dragon Ball as a cute, fun color manga on my behalf.
Please take good care of Goku & company from here on out!

Toriyama and Ooishi shared comments together back in 2009 with Ooishi’s two-part manga adaptation of the 2008 Jump Super Anime Tour Special (“Heya! Son Goku and Friends Return!!“), the spin-off author’s first official work on the franchise.

Akira Toriyama also recently shared comments in the special artbook for the traveling exhibit, “The World of Dragon Ball”:

Thank you for coming out to the Dragon Ball Exhibition!

In spite of being a work from quite a while back, there are many people who have either been fans ever since back then, or gotten interested in it recently; I am truly happy for it to be supported by all you fans from around the world.

And now, in 2013, they’ve made a brand-new animated movie!
I’ll be happy as can be if you enjoy watching it with heart-pounding excitement!
Only, it won’t make you cry.

Check out our report from the exhibit for more information on the type of material on display. The exhibit’s next and final stop will be held in the Matsuzakaya Museum, which is on the seventh floor of the South Wing of the Matsuzakaya Department Store in Nagoya from 27 July 2013 (Saturday) to 01 September 2013 (Sunday).

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