“Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission” 18th Week Sales
Published by 03 July 2013, 10:05 AM EDT

Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission for the Japanese Nintendo 3DS may finally be falling back off the charts for good after a lengthy second-wind. The game is completely absent on the Media Create list, but it pushed another 4,029 copies last week (the period of 24 June 2013 to 30 June 2013), its 18th week since release, according to the Famitsu sales list.

Though it fell off the Media Create list and is #22 on the Famitsu list, these sales figures are actually right about in line with how the game did last week. Strong debuts this week from Gundam, Toukiden, and Sekaiju no Meikyuu / Etrian Odyssey games were the likely culprits for pushing Ultimate Mission down below the #20 mark.


Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission for the Japanese Nintendo 3DS is available for purchase at CDJapan and Play-Asia. As we feel compelled to note each time, however, the Nintendo 3DS is region-locked and Ultimate Mission will require a Japanese system for play. There is currently no word on an international release of the game.

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