“J-Stars Victory Vs”: “Assassination Classroom” & “Neuro” Additions
Published by 18 December 2013, 1:35 PM EST

Next week’s upcoming 2014 #4 issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump in Japan is set to debut another two new “mysterious” additions to the roster for the March 2014 Jump-franchise crossover fighting game extravaganza, J-Stars Victory Vs, on the PlayStation 3 and Vita.


Koro-sensei, the inhuman homeroom-teacher from Jump’s current rising-star series Assassination Classroom, makes his debut as a playable character. He is specifically shown deflecting an enemy’s attack by making a “sticky net” with his tentacles, although his ability to move at Mach 20 is also mentioned in the catch-copy.

Neuro Nōgami from Demon Detective Neuro Nōgami appears in a support role; by using his powers, the player will apparently be able to hide him- or herself.

Namco-Bandai has also released a third, full-length promotional video which focuses heavily on the “dream matchup” aspect of the game, starting off by showing boys in their natural habitat (school) talking about “who would beat whom” before segueing into scene after scene of gameplay built on just that premise.

J-Stars Victory Vs is due out 19 March 2014 in Japan on the PlayStation 3 and Vita. Regular and “Limited Edition” versions will be available for both platforms. Son Goku and Vegeta are the two characters currently announced from Dragon Ball, alongside a wealth of other characters from Jump series old and new alike. For those keeping count, the total now stands at 23 individual series whose characters appear in some capacity.

For those interested in importing the game, CDJapan is currently running a double-reward-points bonus — up to 1600 points — for orders through the 20th of this month. The company has both the “Limited Edition” (PS3/Vita) and regular edition (PS3/Vita) versions for pre-order.

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