DBZ Movie 12 Film Anime Comic Re-Release Announced
Published by 26 June 2014, 10:03 AM EDT

Shueisha will re-release their “Film Anime Comic” version of Dragon Ball Z Movie 12 (“The Rebirth of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta”) 04 August 2014 for ¥667 + tax (~¥720).


The book will be released under the Shinsō-ban (“New Cover/Packaging Edition”) branding, similar to their re-release of the Dragon Ball Z Movie 8 “Film Anime Comic” back in October 2013. The Movie 8 book did not contain any new material compared to its original release back in 1993.

The “Film Anime Comic” books take the animation from the original films and place them into comic form with word bubbles for the dialog. All of the movies along with the Dragon Ball Z TV series — separate from the later “Full Manga” manga-proper release — have received similar products.

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