“Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2” (JP 3DS) 10th Week Sales
Published by 15 October 2014, 11:23 AM EDT

For the week of 06 October 2014 to 12 October 2014, Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2 for the Nintendo 3DS — a sequel to the first portable version of the nearly-four-year-old, still-going-strong, card-based arcade game — remains off the Media Create sales chart list. Famitsu, however, pegs the game as pushing another 3,125 copies during its tenth week on sale.

As of this last week, Famitsu pegs the game at 152,076 total copies sold. By Famitsu‘s own reporting, the first game had sold 184,852 copies by its respective tenth week.


Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2 is available for purchase at CDJapan and Play-Asia. A Japanese system is required to play the (region-locked) game.

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