Podcast Episode #0389
Published by 15 October 2015, 11:26 AM EDT

The Dragon Ball Super manga has been a fascinating companion to the TV series. Originally debuting within the pages of V-Jump back in June (in the August 2015 issue, two weeks ahead of the TV series’ premiere), Toyotarō’s manga was our first look at the upcoming story. While the first chapter was essentially a (relatively-faithful) adaptation of the first episode, the second, third, and fourth chapters have hugely expanded on the story by introducing Champa and his attendant… neither of whom have been seen at all in the TV series! Tune in for our take on the promotional manga, its strengths and weaknesses, and what its future may hold for fans.

Episode #0389! VegettoEX and Hujio discuss the “Dragon Ball Super” manga by Toyotarō published in V-Jump each month. How does the series differ from the TV version in terms of pacing and content? What’s the deal with Champa, and why has he still not been included in the TV series despite being fully integrated into the manga? Video game news and “Dragon Ball Super” updates round out our show!



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