“Super Dragon Ball Heroes” Promotional Anime Fourth Episode Slated For Late September
Published by 06 September 2018, 1:38 PM EDT

In conjunction with the third episode released today, Bandai Namco has announced a “late September” timeframe for the upcoming fourth episode of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes promotional anime.

Episode 4: Rage! Super Fu Appears!

Cumber unleashes his fearsome form and runs wild. His power is too much for the Prison Planet to handle, and the chains begin to snap one by one. Seeing this throws Fu into a rage, and he unleashes his hidden power!

The self-described “promotional anime” began back in July, with its initial two episodes released 01 July 2018 and 16 July 2018, respectively. Though the series’ original trailer was available worldwide, the subsequent episode postings themselves have been region-locked to Japan.

The “Prison Planet arc” is the latest scenario featured in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game, which is looking ahead to the fourth update in its “Universe Mission” series this month, as well. Super Dragon Ball Heroes is itself an update and hardware revision to the original Dragon Ball Heroes, a card-based arcade game in which players arrange teammates on a playing field for turn-based battles.

Dragon Ball Heroes has seen a variety of multimedia spin-offs and support pieces. Yoshitaka Nagayama’s Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission manga (a follow-up to the previous Dark Demon Realm Mission series) currently runs in Shueisha’s bimonthly Saikyō Jump magazine, while Toyotarō’s Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission ran from 2012-2015 in Shueisha’s monthly V-Jump magazine. Three portable game adaptations — Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission, Ultimate Mission 2, and Ultimate Mission X — were released on the Nintendo 3DS.

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