Following the completion of the “Prison Planet arc” in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes promotional anime last month, the series moves into a new “Universal Conflict arc” with today’s seventh episode, posted for free (albeit region-locked) via Bandai Namco on YouTube and the game’s official website.
Alongside the return of Zamasu (from the Dragon Ball Super series’ “Future Trunks arc“), the episode features the new characters:
- Oren (オレン Oren) played by Yūta Kasuya
- Kamin (カミン Kamin) played by Minami Tsuda
- Hearts (ハーツ Hātsu) played by Takehito Koyasu
The series’ eighth episode is scheduled for February 2019:
Episode 8: The Ultimate, Worst Warriors Invade! Universe 6 Demolished
Oren and Kamin’s fierce combination attack forces Trunks and company into an uphill battle. In the midst of the fight, Hearts, a fighter from the Core Area, appears and reveals his shocking plan.
The self-described “promotional anime” began in July 2018. Though the series’ original trailer was available worldwide, the subsequent episode postings themselves have been region-locked to Japan. No home release of the promotional anime has been announced.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes is itself an update and hardware revision to the original Dragon Ball Heroes, a card-based arcade game in which players arrange teammates on a playing field for turn-based battles. Dragon Ball Heroes has seen a variety of multimedia spin-offs and support pieces. Yoshitaka Nagayama’s Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission manga (a follow-up to the previous Dark Demon Realm Mission series) currently runs in Shueisha’s bimonthly Saikyō Jump magazine, while Toyotarō’s Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission ran from 2012-2015 in Shueisha’s monthly V-Jump magazine. Three portable game adaptations — Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission, Ultimate Mission 2, and Ultimate Mission X — were released on the Nintendo 3DS. A fourth home version, Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, is due on the Nintendo Switch in Japan on 04 April 2019 with hints of a larger release.