The long-running and oft-forgotten Dragon Ball GT anime comic — comprised of limited-color screen shots from the 1996-1997 television series displayed in manga format with dialog and narration bubbles — began back in the January 2014 issue of Shueisha’s Saikyō Jump magazine. Running as a tie-in with the Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game’s then-current “Evil Dragon Mission” updates, the anime comic skipped all the way to and began with the series’ own “Evil Dragon” arc. Throughout all of the Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game’s continuing updates and even through the magazine’s transition from a monthly to bimonthly publication, the Dragon Ball GT anime comic has steadily run each issue, albeit plopped in different locations each time.
Having just wrapped back around again to the beginning of the series, the anime comic is now also set to finally see a collected print edition starting this December (source: original V-Jump website / version).
Presented in full color (as opposed to the limited-color version from serialization), three volumes will be released 04 December 2019, with pricing and other details yet to be revealed.
Until now, the Dragon Ball GT anime comic has thus far been exclusive to its Saikyō Jump serialization; the series hit its 40th chapter (second in its beginning-loop-back) with the November 2019 issue released earlier this month.
(With chapters running roughly 16 pages each, the 38 chapters covering the “Evil Dragons” arc could indeed theoretically fit in their entirety in snug 208-page-ish volumes with just enough room for title pages and the like.)
An anime comic of the Dragon Ball GT television special was released in July 1997.
UPDATE: Shueisha is listing all three volumes of the Dragon Ball GT anime comic’s “Evil Dragons” arc at ¥1,000 each.