Following 1987’s Adventure Special, but before any formal Dragon Ball guide book series such as the Daizenshuu came to be, Shueisha released two Dragon Ball Z Anime Special “mooks” (magazine/book-esque limited publications) in 1989 and 1991, respectively.
The Jump Gold Selection: Dragon Ball Z Anime Special II in June 1991 followed the series into the Freeza arc along with the Bardock television special and the fifth theatrical film. Supplemental content included the “Super Anime-jin” roundtable discussion, the second “Original Illustrated Story” (High Pride!! Saiya Prince Vegeta), and a special “Cartoon Classroom” column.
Through its beginner, intermediate, and advanced techniques, readers learn how to draw Dragon Ball characters by way of Freeza also playing along, with the caveat that he will personally take care of Toriyama should he not be able to master the drawings by the end of the lesson (and the artistic merit of Freeza’s final product is indeed debatable). Toriyama shares specific reasons behind the shapes of noses, the length of hair, and the similar facial structure between various characters.
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