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Published by 24 December 2012, 5:12 PM EST4 Comments

When the first leak for the Battle of Gods movie poster hit the Internet, fans threw their arms up in the air and focused on what was clearly the most important scrap of information that would forever turn our world upside down: Gohan had golden hair.

Battle of Gods is set to take place “several years” after the defeat of Majin Boo, and “several years” before the final chapters of the series at the 28th Tenka’ichi Budōkai. At this point in the series, Gohan has received an “ultimate” power-up from the Elder Kaiōshin, and never again turns Super Saiyan, having said form seemingly replaced by this new upgrade… that is, until Dragon Ball GT comes around and just has him transform on the spot.

This week on our show, our expert panel dives in to the manga, the anime, Dragon Ball GT, guide books for each of those, and then onward into what little we know about Battle of Gods to definitively answer once and for all: why does Gohan have golden hair again?!



Episode #0319! VegettoEX and Meri plow through a week’s worth of news that feels as if it could be an entire month’s worth of news: “Battle of Gods” is in full swing, and we have new colored manga and guide book announcements hitting all at once! Herms and Kaboom join in to take the “Battle of Gods” hype to its peak with the most in-depth discussion on Gohan’s hair you will ever hear. What happened to his “ultimate” power-up, and why is his hair golden again?!


Happy Holidays, and enjoy the show! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forums.

Published by 21 December 2012, 11:32 PM EST6 Comments

With the Battle of Gods panel complete at Jump Festa ’13 today in Japan, the movie’s trailer — seemingly accidentally leaked online by Japanese online TV outlet CH11 earlier this month (and in high definition, no less) — has now been officially released to media outlets.

A full transcription and translation of the text and dialog in the trailer is available in our previous update.

Japanese fan reports from the panel indicate that a statement from original manga author Akira Toriyama was read stating his hopes for the movie’s success, and that the party scenes shown in the promotional images are of a birthday celebration for Bulma.

Published by 21 December 2012, 4:47 PM ESTComment

Enough of all this awesome news coverage; it’s time for some more content! We continue our “domination of translation” with two more voice actor interview translations from the 2004 TV anime guide book, Dragon Ball Tenka’ichi Densetsu. This time around we bring you interviews with Ryō Horikawa, the voice of arrogant Vegeta, and Mayumi Tanaka, who voices the lovable Kuririn and at times the grumpy Yajirobe (although nowadays many know her as the voice of Luffy in One Piece). The two discuss their auditions for the roles, along with their adoration for the series that has consumed their lives since at least the late-1980s.

You can check them all out over on the “Translations” page, and remember that there are still more to come! Tenka’ichi Densetsu is chock full of additional voice actor interviews, and we plan on bringing you all of them.

Published by 21 December 2012, 3:51 PM EST10 Comments

In addition to the reveal of a newly-colored version of the manga and new set of guide books, the February 2013 issue of V-Jump rides on the Battle of Gods hype train with a few additional tidbits of information.

The first bit of information splashed across the top of the page dives into our new “God of Destruction”.

ナゾ1 悟空と激突するキャラクター!!その正体はいったい…!?

Mystery 1: The Character Clashing with Goku!! What On Earth Could His Identity Be…?!
A warrior grappling with Goku with a look of composure!! Trying to hide something, this creature is the genuine god who governs destruction, “Birusu”!!!

Reiterated is the information that the movie will take place several years after the defeat of Majin Boo, but also several years before the end of the original series.


ナゾ2 物語はいつの話?

Mystery 2: When is the Story Set?
A few years after the deadly battle with Majin Boo. It also seems to be a few years before the final episode of “Z”.

The magazine analyzes some of the artwork — much as we fans have been doing — and wonders (in the typical coy Japanese advertising style) whether there was some sort of party, judging by the glasses in everyone’s hands.


ナゾ3 激戦中のはずなのに手には…!?

Mystery 3: In the Middle of a Heated Battle, and Yet They’re Holding…?!
Everyone’s holding a toasting glass in their hands?! Is it some kind of party…?!

Another of the numbered blurbs also wonders if “Uisu” is also a god himself (alongside “Birusu”, the “God of Destruction”).


ナゾ4 ビルスに仲間はいるのか!?

Mystery 4: “Birusu” Has an Ally?
An attendant who is always by the side of “Birusu”!! Could this “Uisu” be a “god” like “Birusu”…?!

The final numbered blurb showcases Super Saiyan 3 Goku coming up against “Birusu”, an image also showcased on the promotional media package distributed earlier this week.


ナゾ5 ぶっちゃけ…ビルスは強い!?
これだけはハッキリ言っておこう。 ビルスは、間違いなく 「Z」 史上最強の存在だ!!!

Mystery 5: Frankly… “Birusu” is Strong?!
We’ll be blunt about this at least: “Birusu” is without a doubt the strongest being in the history of “Z”!!!

Battle of Gods is due out in Japanese theaters 30 March 2013, and we at Kanzenshuu will continue to be at the forefront of its coverage up through release!

Published by 21 December 2012, 8:26 AM EST9 Comments

Yesterday we reported about some very early rumblings of a new fully-colored manga re-release and something being called a “Chōzenshū” (超全集). Fortunately, our very own Julian rushed out to grab the February 2013 issue of V-Jump and snapped a quick photo of the page containing the essential details we had been missing!

As of now, the “Full Color Comics” will cover both the Saiyan and Freeza arcs of the original manga storyline. The three Saiyan arc volumes will be released 04 February 2013 and the five Freeza arc volumes will be released 04 April 2013, although there is still no price point listed.

The page also specifies that the “Chōzenshū” will be a four volume set of illustrated reference books that “tell everything about Dragon Ball“. The four volumes are listed to come out next year on February 4th, March 4th, April 4th, and May 9th, respectively.

At the moment these releases have not popped up for pre-order on any online retailers, but we will of course be sure to let you know as soon as they do, along with any additional details we can find!

Published by 21 December 2012, 8:05 AM ESTComment

The on-going promotional mini-manga for the Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game (and upcoming Nintendo 3DS port) returns for a fourth chapter in the February 2013 issue of V-Jump released today in Japan. In this latest, seven-page chapter of Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission, “A Rival Appears?!” (ライバル出現!? Raibaru Shutsugen!?), a tournament arc begins, and a potential rival, “Erito” (エリト — possibly a play on “Elite”) makes his debut. The story is “to be continued” as usual, indicating that the manga will be going on for at least the foreseeable future.


The mini-manga by the mysterious author “Toyotarō” ran for only two pages each in its first first two chapters in the December 2012 and January 2013 issues of V-Jump respectively, while the third chapter last month was expanded to nine pages.

The February 2013 issue of V-Jump is currently available via CDJapan, Play-Asia, and Amazon Japan.

This new chapter has been cataloged on the “Official Manga Spin-offs” page of our “Manga Guide“.

Published by 20 December 2012, 1:24 PM EST12 Comments

A new fully-colored version of the Dragon Ball manga — at least covering the early part of the “Z” era events — has been announced in the February 2013 issue of V-Jump released today in Japan. As opposed to the “TV Animation Comics”, which utilized screen shots of the TV series, these volumes will be colored-in versions of the original manga drawn by Akira Toriyama. New listings for the first three “Full Color Comics” volumes, which will cover the Saiyan arc of the series, have already been posted on Shueisha’s S-MANGA website with a scheduled release date of 04 February 2013. So far no retail price has been announced.

In addition to this fully-colored re-release of the manga, another listing has been posted for the first volume of what is being called a “Chōzenshū” (超全集). This term was last tossed around back in 2008 for the 13-disc music compilation which was eventually retitled under a simple “Dragon Ball Z Complete Song Collection Box”. As of right now we are unsure if this is a new line of guide books, a la the “Daizenshuu”, or something else entirely. We will be sure to let you know as soon as we have clarification.

These new releases are tied in with a new traveling Dragon Ball-themed exhibition being held in three different cities, obviously itself tying in with the impending release of the upcoming “Battle of Gods” film due out 30 March 2013.

鳥山明 “The World of DRAGONBALL” 大開催!!


A Public Movie Celebration Event
Akira Toriyama “The World of Dragon Ball” Grand Exhibition!!

A super project filled with the charm of “Dragon Ball ” such as serialization manuscripts and color illustration exhibits!!

The exhibition will be held in Tokyo from March 27th to April 15th, in Ōsaka from April 17th to April 23rd, and in Nagoya from July 27th to September 1st. It does note that the next issue of V-Jump (the March 2013 issue) will contain additional information about the exhibitions.

Published by 19 December 2012, 5:14 PM EST9 Comments

With only three months left until “Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” hits theaters across Japan on 30 March 2013, Toei has released a packet of promotional images to various media outlets. The packet includes the film’s official poster, a piece of promotional artwork, and five screen shots from the film, all from scenes previously shown in the film’s first theatrical trailer.

When we first caught a glimpse of the film’s poster “in-the-works” it featured the troublesome trio of Pilaf, Shuu, and Mai, who were thought to have apparently been removed from the poster as seen printed in Weekly Shōnen Jump and on the official website artwork. Well, as it turns out, they are again present on this final version of the movie poster (as seen above) in the exact same spot as we saw them before, although now their original placement on the poster makes much more sense. Also now featured are two new taglines near the top of the poster, the first of which is only slightly different than what’s previously been used:

The strongest, clash.

Freeza, Cell, and Majin Boo. There is a being that transcends them all.

It is anticipated that the film’s theatrical trailer will be shown this weekend at Jump Festa ’13 in Tokyo, and will subsequently be posted on the official “Battle of Gods” website, but we’ve yet to receive official confirmation of this. In addition to selling advance movie tickets, Toei Animation will also be handing out small promotional pamphlets for the film at their goods booth, which of course has already begun circulating the internet thanks to this 2ch post. The pamphlet contains all of the information originally posted in the official website’s “Introduction” section along with short character descriptions, most notably the ones for the two new characters, but also a few old friends:

A god who governs destruction, maintaining the world’s balance. Once his wrath is incurred, he’ll destroy nearby planets and life, and is a being feared even by the Kaiō and Kaiōshin.

A mysterious man working in league with “Birusu”.

Pilaf, Shu, Mai
Small-time villains who plot to use the dragon balls to take over the world, but their plans are thwarted by Goku and co.

A few screen shots are also included with the package:

And now, the marketing push for the film has truly begun!

Published by 18 December 2012, 2:15 PM EST8 Comments

We tend not to cover every single fan production out there — sites like DragonNews already do a fantastic job in that regard, so we usually stick to what we are the best at, which is covering official news and providing an unprecedented wealth of documented information about the Dragon Ball franchise.

A few months ago, however, we were contacted by ScrewAttack to take part in providing the base of research for one of their upcoming “DEATH BATTLE!” videos, a series where characters from separate universes are pitted against each other in (what else?) a battle to the death. What would that fight be? The end-all, be-all of fanboy/girl-tacular raging: Goku vs. Superman.

Along with some hand-picked members of our community, we at Kanzenshuu provided countless (literally — we lost track once we got past 50 on the first round alone) pages of research, translations, and documentation. The “DEATH BATTLE!” video series relies on specific facts about techniques, weapons, items, feats of strength, and so on and so forth — it was up to us to provide a flawless knowledge base to work from. As you would expect from us, every single tidbit was meticulously translated and fact-checked against the original Japanese source material. As ScrewAttack wanted to go with everything in terms of canonicity, this extended to the TV adaptation, movies, guide books, interviews, and more.

After tossing out a couple short teasers, the first full preview video was made available this month.

A video spotlight for Goku was later released detailing some of the personality traits, techniques, and more that went into the fight considerations:

A great deal of the information we provided is already available on Kanzenshuu, while a fair amount more is on its way — do not worry about any amount of work not seeing the light of day!

An incredible amount of thanks goes out to ScrewAttack (and many of the folks that recommended us) for considering Kanzenshuu in this project. You already know that we are the first, best, last, and only source you ever need for anything about the series when it comes to news, information, and educated opinions — we are so happy to bring in an even larger audience thanks to this project.

In terms of the final video itself, while we certainly love Goku, we really have no horse in this race. We are just as excited as the rest of you to see how ScrewAttack takes our information, analyzes it, breaks it down, perhaps even tosses it all out completely, combines it with their separate Superman research, and comes together with an exciting product.

Look for the final video on December 21st!

Published by 18 December 2012, 12:34 AM EST1 Comment

Toshio Furukawa (Piccolo) has announced via his personal website that he will be attending Jump Festa ’13 on 22 December 2012 to take part in a 30 minute “Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods” discussion panel on the “Jump Super Stage” at 11:20 AM. The panel had previously been announced as part of the “Jump Super Stage” line-up, but at the time only Masako Nozawa (Son Goku) was announced to be involved. However, Furukawa has revealed that in addition to Nozawa and himself, Mayumi Tanaka (Kuririn), Masahiro Hosoda (the film’s director), Akio Iyoku (editor-in-chief of V-Jump and Saikyō Jump), and Gyarmath Bogdan (Toei Animation producer) will all be in attendance as well. The discussion panel will be overseen by former YBS TV announcer Mariko Nakagomi. The panel is free for convention attendees, but seating is limited. We’ll be sure to keep our ears to ground for any earth-shattering news that may come from this, although it’s somewhat unlikely based on previous “Jump Super Stage” discussions.