There are two sets of commercial eyecatches for the Dragon Ball GT TV series. The first lasts from episodes 01-26, while the second lasts from 27-64 (the end of the series). Note that the English versions have alternate angles with different eyecatches than that of the original Japanese on the individual discs from FUNimation’s original run of the series.
There are four ending themes to Dragon Ball GT, which come in at different points in the series. The opening theme, “DAN DAN Kokoro Hikarete ‘ku” by Field of View, is used throughout all 64 episodes. It has two different animation sequences, the second of which begins with episode 27. Here is a breakdown of when to expect which ending themes:
- “Hitori ja nai” (by DEEN): Episodes 01-26
- “Don’t you see!” (by ZARD): Episodes 27-41
- “Blue Velvet” (by Shizuka Kudō): Episodes 42-50
- “Sabitsuita Mashingan de Ima o Uchinukō” (by WANDS): Episodes 51-64
- “DAN DAN Kokoro Hikarete ‘ku” (performed by Field of View): Episode 64
The last episode of Dragon Ball GT ends with a video montage of scenes from all three Dragon Ball series to an extended version of the opening theme. As the song ends, the phrase “THE END” appears on the screen, which fades to black; after that, there is one last reprise of “Sabitsuita…,” and then nothing more.
Individual Disc Releases
FUNimation’s “Volume #01” of Dragon Ball GT begins with “A Grand Problem,” an English-only recap of the first sixteen episodes of the series; it then goes straight into episode 17. While FUNimation never issued any sort of concrete and official statement regarding their marketing strategy and basis for this decision, the common and logical reasoning behind this was to get more quickly “into the action.” Everything FUNimation had done relating to the Dragon Ball GT TV series up until (and through the majority of) its release was to separate it from all pre-existing fan conceptions. Things like music replacement and jumping ahead in the series for its initial run fall right in line with this strategy. For its initial run of individual DVD releases until the end of the series, FUNimation released two discs at a time every one-to-two months (until volume #15).
FUNimation announced that once the rest of the series had been completed and released, they would return to dub and release the first sixteen episodes. These were to be released in five volumes. Despite the fact that FUNimation chose to call them “lost episodes,” it is important to note that no-one “lost” them — they simply chose not to put them out until later.


TV Series “Lost Episodes” Volume #1 – “Reaction”
- 13 July 2004
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series “Lost Episodes” Volume #2 – “Rejection”
- 07 September 2004
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series “Lost Episodes” Volume #3 – “Ruination”
- 23 November 2004
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series “Lost Episodes” Volume #4 – “Conviction”
- 14 December 2004
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series “Lost Episodes” Volume #5 – “Activation”
- 08 February 2005
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #01 – “Affliction”
- 15 April 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #02 – “Incubation”
- 15 April 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #03 – “Creation”
- 03 June 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #04 – “Proliferation”
- 03 June 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #05 – “Ramifications”
- 15 July 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #06 – “Preparation”
- 15 July 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #07 – “Annihilation”
- 14 October 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #08 – “Salvation”
- 14 October 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #09 – “Calculations”
- 30 December 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #10 – “Revelations”
- 30 December 2003
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #11 – “Evolution”
- 03 February 2004
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #12 – “Revolution”
- 03 February 2004
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #13 – “Realization”
- 30 March 2004
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #14 – “Conversion”
- 30 March 2004
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Volume #15 – “Generations”
- 11 May 2004
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format
Box Set Releases
FUNimation released box sets of five volumes each for the initial run of the Dragon Ball GT TV series. The first set released contained volumes one through five (TV episodes 17-31); the second set released contained volumes six through ten (TV episodes 32-47); the third set released contained volumes eleven through fifteen (TV episodes 48-64); the final set released contained the five “Lost Episodes” volumes (TV episodes 01-16).


TV Series “Lost Episodes” Box Set
- 13 November 2007
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Box Set #1
- 18 October 2005
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Box Set #2
- 14 February 2006
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


TV Series Box Set #3
- 13 June 2006
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format
Remastered Season Box Sets
Continuing onwards with the success of their Dragon Ball Z TV season sets, FUNimation’s “remastered” Dragon Ball GT “season box sets” will see their release to DVD beginning in November 2008, taking the place of the previous releases. The first “season” set contained slightly more than half of the series (episodes 1-34), while the second “season” set contained the rest of the series (episodes 35-64) as well as the single TV special. Unlike the Dragon Ball Z season sets, however, the Dragon Ball GT season sets were presented in their original 4:3 aspect ratio with significantly less “remastering” to negatively affect the image clarity and overall quality, though some amount of blurring is indeed present. These sets also contain newly-produced English versions of all original Japanese opening and ending themes, though next-episode previews have been removed, and only English title cards are present (due to the removal of alternate angles). For more information about FUNimation’s Dragon Ball GT TV season sets, check out Episode #0156 of our podcast.


Dragon Ball GT – Season One
- 11 November 2008
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


Dragon Ball GT – Season Two
- 10 February 2009
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format


Dragon Ball GT – The Complete Series
- 21 September 2010
- Released
- English / Japanese
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Uncut
- Format