In 2005, Toei Animation announced the release of the individual discs from both “Dragon Ball Dragon Box Z Vol. 1” and “Vol. 2“. This finally gave the fans that missed purchasing the original Dragon Boxes a chance to own it. Unfortunately, these individual discs omit all of the extras that came with the Dragon Boxes, but would instead come with special diorama figure sets made exclusively for those purchasing these individual disc releases. In November 2005, the first three Dragon Ball Z individual discs were released, with three new discs released each month there after.
Each individual disc was available in two versions; retail and rental. The retail versions were well produced with renowned Japanese designer Hideaki Shimada designing their packaging, which utilized “Super Jewel Box” DVD cases. The covers, which featured artwork by veteran animator Tadayoshi Yamamuro, could be removed from the retail jewel case and unfolded to reveal brief character biographies and fun series facts. Each retail DVD also included a point ticket with a 16 digit code that could be redeemed toward the series’ exclusive diorama figure sets. In contrast, the rental versions were cheaply produced, were packaged in standard DVD cases, and lacked many of the retail version perks. The Dragon Ball Z logo and volume numbers on the front covers of the retail version were printed with a silver reflective finish, while those on the rental version covers were printed in a plain non-reflective ink (view comparison). Both versions did come with a brief synopsis of each episode printed on the back cover, along with their respective original air dates and main episode staff.
While the original “Dragon Ball Dragon Box Z” disc menus were somewhat elaborate, the ones included on these discs are simple static menus with no music. The three menu options include “All Play”, “Story Mode”, and “Episode Select”. “All Play” simply plays all of the episodes in order, while “Story Mode” plays all of the episodes, but removes the openings, endings, and previews.
Individual Releases
Dragon Ball Z Volume #01
- 02 November 2005
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Mini Gokū wa Obotchama! Boku Gohan Desu
Mini Goku is Just Precious!
I’m Gohan
Shijō Saikyō no Senshi wa Gokū no Ani Datta!
The Strongest Warrior in All of History
is Goku’s Brother!
Yatta! Kore ga Chijō Saikyō no Konbi da!
This is the Strongest Combo on Earth!
Pikkoro no Kirifuda! Gohan wa Nakimushi-kun
Piccolo’s Trump Card!
Gohan is a Crybaby
Gokū Shisu! Rasuto Chansu wa Ichido dake
Goku Dies!
There’s Only One Chance Left
Enma-sama mo Bikkuri Ano Yo de Faito
Even Enma-sama is Surprised
A Fight in the Afterlife
Dragon Ball Z Volume #02
- 02 November 2005
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Kyōryū to Sabaibaru! Gohan no Tsurai Shugyō
Dinosaur Survival!
Gohan’s Difficult Training
Tsuki no Kagayaku Yoru ni Dai-Henshin! Gohan Pawā no Himitsu
The Great Transformation on a Moonlit Night!
The Secret of Gohan’s Power
Gomen ne Robotto-san Sabaku ni Kieta Namida
Sorry Robot-san
The Tears that Vanished in the Desert
Naku na Gohan! Hajimete no Tatakai
Don’t Cry Gohan!
His First Fight
Uchūichi no Kyō-senshi Saiya-jin Mezameru
The Saiyan, Strongest Warriors in the Universe, Awaken!
Hebi no Michi de Inemuri Gokū ga Okkochiru
Catnap on the Serpent Road
Goku Takes a Tumble
Dragon Ball Z Volume #03
- 02 November 2005
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Te o Dasu na! Enma-sama no Himitsu no Kudamono
Hands Off!
Enma-sama‘s Secret Fruit
Amāi Yūwaku! Hebi Himesama no Omotenashi
Such Sweet Temptation!
The Snake Princess’s Hospitality
Pikkoro kara no Dasshutsu! Arashi o Yobu Gohan
Escape from Piccolo!
Gohan Summons a Storm
Hashire Gohan! Chichi no Matsu Natsukashi no Paozu Yama
Run, Gohan!
Longing for Mt. Paozu, Where Chi-Chi is Waiting
Asu Naki Machi! Shōri e no Tōi Michinori
City of No Tomorrow!
The Long Road to Victory
Shūtennn Hebi no Michi! Omē Kaiō-sama ka?
Last Stop on Serpent Road!
Are you Kaiō-sama?
Dragon Ball Z Volume #04
- 07 December 2005
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Jūryoku to no Tatakai! Baburusu-kun o Tsukamaero
The Battle with Gravity!
Catch Bubbles-kun
Yomigaeru Saiya-jin Densetsu! Gokū no Rūtsu
The Return of the Saiyan Legend!
Goku’s Roots
Ide yo Shenron! Saiya-jin Tsui ni Chikyū Tōchaku
Come Forth, Shenlong!
The Saiyans Finally Arrive on Earth
‘nna Baka na!! Tsuchi kara Umareta Saibaiman
Saibaimen, Born from the Soil
Yamucha Shisu! Osoru Beshi Saibaiman
Yamcha Dies!
The Terror of the Saibaimen
Sayonara Ten-san! Chaozu no Sutemi no Senpō
Farewell Ten-san!
Chiaotzu’s Suicide Strategy
Dragon Ball Z Volume #05
- 07 December 2005
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Tenshinhan Zekkyō!! Kore ga Saigo no Kikōhō da
Tenshinhan Cries Out!!
This is My Last Kikōhō
Hitasura Matte Sanjikan! Dangan Hikō no Kinto’un
An Intense 3-Hour Delay!
The Kinto-Un Bullet-Express
Boku ni Makasete! Gohan, Ikari no Daibakuhatsu
Leave it to Me!
Gohan’s Great Burst of Anger
Saiya-jin no Mōi! Kami-sama mo Pikkoro mo Shinda
Ferocity of the Saiyan!
God and Piccolo Both Die!
Tōsan Sugē ya! Kyūkyoku no Hissatsuwaza · Kaiō-Ken
Father is Awesome!
The Ultimate Finishing Technique – Kaiō-Ken
Genkai o Koeta Atsui Tatakai! Gokū Tai Bejīta
A Hot, Unbounded Battle!
Goku vs Vegeta
Dragon Ball Z Volume #06
- 07 December 2005
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Ima da Gokū! Subete o Kaketa Saigo no Ōwaza
Now, Goku!
A Final Technique with Everything on the Line
Sentō-ryoku Jū-Bai!! Bejīta Dai-Henshin
Battle Power Times Ten!!
Vegeta’s Great Transformation
Shinanaide Tōsan!! Kore ga Gohan no Sokojikara
Don’t Die, Father!!
This is Gohan’s Hidden Strength
Ute Kuririn! Negai o Kometa Genki-Dama
Shoot, Kuririn!
The Genki-Dama, Packed with Hope
Kiseki o Okose! Sūpā Saiya-jin Son Gohan
Cause a Miracle!
The Super Saiyan, Son Gohan
Tabidase Uchū e! Kibō no Hoshi wa Pikkoro no Furusato
We’re Off Into Space!
The Planet of Hope is Piccolo’s Homeland
Dragon Ball Z Volume #07
- 11 January 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Nazo no Yunzabitto! Kami-sama no Uchūsen o Sagase
The Mysterious Yunzabit!
The Search for God’s Spaceship
Namekku-sei Iki Hasshin! Gohan-tachi o Matsu Kyōfu
Blast-off for Planet Namek!
The Terror Awaiting Gohan and Company
Teki ka Mikata ka? Nazo no Kyodai Uchūsen no Kodomo-tachi
Friends or Foes?
Children of the Mysterious Giant Spaceship
Honto ni Honto? Are ga Kibō no Namekku-sei
Really, for Real?
There Lies Namek, Planet of Hope
Shinsetsu na Uchū-jin Ikinari Atta yo Ûshinchū
Kind-hearted Aliens
There’s the Five-Star Ball Already
Wakusei Furīza Nanbā Nanajūkyū Fukkatsu no Bejīta!!
Planet Freeza No. 79
Vegeta Recovers!!
Dragon Ball Z Volume #08
- 11 January 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Sorotta zo Doragon Bōru! Pikkoro-san mo Ikikaeru
The Dragon Balls Are All Here!
Piccolo-san Comes Back to Life
Arata na Kyōteki! Uchū no Teiō Furīza
A Tough New Enemy!
Emperor of the Universe, Freeza
Yabō no Bejīta! Uchūichi no Senshi wa Ore da!!
Vegeta’s Ambition!
I am the Greatest Warrior in the Universe!!
Gokū Pawā Zenkai!! Ginga no Hate made Rokkakan
Goku’s Power at Full-Force!!
Six Days to the End of the Galaxy
Ihyō o Tsuita Kōgeki!! Chōrō no Nerai wa Sukautā
Surprise Attack!!
The Elder’s Target was the Scouter
Gohan Ayaushi! Shi o Yobu Tsuisekisha Dodoria
Gohan in Peril!
A Pursuing Dodoria Summons Death
Dragon Ball Z Volume #09
- 11 January 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Bakushi Dodoria! Bejīta no Osoru Beki Shōgekiha
Dodoria Dies by Explosion!
Vegeta’s Fearsome Shockwave
Moeru Wakusei kara no Dasshutsu!! Inochigake no Kamehameha
Escape From a Burning Planet!!
A Life-or-Death Kamehameha
Yūki Hyakubai! Kaiō no Moto ni Shūketsu Suru Senshi-tachi
Courage Times One Hundred!
The Warriors Gather Under Kaiō
Kike Gokū yo! Furīza ni wa Te o Dasu na
Listen to Me Goku!
Hands Off Freeza
Hotondo Torihada! Bisenshi Zābon no Akuma no Henshin
Nothing but Goosebumps!
The Handsome Warrior Zarbon’s Devilish Transformation
Kibō no Hoshi o Mamore!! Kuririn Kyōi no Pawā Appu
Defend the Planet of Hope!!
Kuririn’s Astonishing Power-Up
Dragon Ball Z Volume #10
- 01 February 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Shi no Fuchi kara Yomigaetta Kiseki no Otoko · Bejīta
Back from the Brink of Death
The Miracle Man, Vegeta
Dodekai Sentō-ryoku!! Kudakechiru Furīza no Inbō
An Enormous Battle Power!!
Freeza’s Strategy is Shattered
Genki ga Modotta zo!! Hyakubai Chō-Jūryoku no Naka no Gokū
I’m Back to My Old Self Again!!
Goku Takes on 100 Times Gravity
Furīza no Himitsu Heiki! Akuma no Ginyū Tokusentai
Freeza’s Secret Weapon!
The Devilish Ginyu Special-Squad
Buruma ga Abunai!! Sūshinchū wa Furīza no Te ni
Bulma, Watch Out!!
The Four-Star Ball Falls into Freeza’s Hands
Gekitotsu da!! Fukutsu no Toushi no Kaiō-Ken to Kamehameha
The Kaiō-Ken and Kamehameha of an Indomitable Spirit
Dragon Ball Z Volume #11
- 01 February 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Semaru Chō-Kessen! Ginyū Tokusentai Tadaima Sanjō!!
The Great Battle Approaches!
The Ginyu Special-Squad Takes the Stage!!
Gokū ga Daisekkin! Furīza Hōimō o Buchiyabure
Goku on Final Approach!
Smash through Freeza’s Dragnet
Chō-Majutsu ka Torikku ka!? Misutā Gurudo ga Okotta!
Is This Some Super-Magic or Just a Trick?!
Mr. Gurd is Angry!
Mōi Rikuumu! Warukute Tsuyokute Tondemonai Yatsu
The Savage Recoom!
The Bad, Strong, and Outrageous Guy
Shinu na Gohan! Gokū · Tsui ni Kessenjō ni Tōchaku da
Don’t Die, Gohan!
Goku Finally Touches Down on the Battlefield
Ketahazure no Tsuyosa!! Densetsu no Sūpā Saiya-jin Son Gokū
Uncommon Strength!!
The Legendary Super Saiyan, Son Goku
Dragon Ball Z Volume #12
- 01 February 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Aka to Ao no Raitoningu Bōru! Jiisu to Baata ga Gokū o Osou
Lightning Balls of Red and Blue!
Jheese and Butta Attack Goku
Tsui ni Chokusetsu Taiketsu!! Ginyū Taichō no Odemashi da
At Last, a Direct Confrontation!!
Captain Ginyu Takes the Field
Susamajī Hakuryoku!! Mita ka, Gokū no Furu Pawā
Incredible Force!!
Did You See It, Goku’s Full Power?
Tatakai no Yukue!? Saichōrō ni Semaru Furīza no Ma no Te
What of the Battle’s Outcome?!
Freeza’s Evil Hand Closes Around the Eldest
Bikkuri!! Gokū ga Ginyū de Ginyū ga Gokū
Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku
Ide yo Sūpā Shenron!! Boku no Negai o Kanaetamae
Come Forth, Super Shenlong!!
Grant Me My Wish
Dragon Ball Z Volume #13
- 01 March 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Yatsu wa Ora ja Nē! Gohan Bibiru na Chichi o Ute!!
That Ain’t Me!
Gohan, Don’t Lose Your Nerve, Hit Your Father!!
Dai-Gosan!! Ginyū ga Kaeru ni Natchatta
A Huge Miscalculation!!
Ginyu Has Turned into a Frog
Nanatsu no Tama o Soroeshi Mono yo… Sā Aikotoba o Ie!
Thou Who Hast Gathered the Seven Balls…
Now Speak Forth the Password!
Kami-sama mo Ikikaetta! Sūpā Shenron de Pikkoro ga Fukkatsu
God Also Returns to Life!
Piccolo is Resurrected by Super Shenlong
Saikyō Senshi no Tanjō ka!? Neiru to Pikkoro ga Gattai
Birth of the Mightiest Warrior?!
Nail and Piccolo Merge
Akumu no Chō-Henshin!! Sentō-ryoku Hyaku-Man no Furīza
A Nightmare Super-Transformation!!
Freeza’s Battle Power Reaches One Million
Dragon Ball Z Volume #14
- 01 March 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Koko made ka!? Kyōaku Chōzetsu Pawā ga Gohan o Osō
Is This the End?!
A Brutally Transcendent Power Attacks Gohan
Ikki ni Keisei Gyakuten!! Okurete Kita Senshi · Pikkoro
The Tide Suddenly Turns!!
The Warrior Who Came Late – Piccolo
Pikkoro no Jishin! Furīza o Taosu no wa Ore da
Piccolo’s Self-Confidence!
I Will Be the One to Defeat Freeza
Shutsugeki da Gokū!! Gekido no Furīza ga Dai-Ni no Henshin
Sally Forth, Goku!!
A Furious Freeza’s 2nd Transformation
Kyōfu Shiro!! Furīza wa Sando no Henshin de Shōbu Suru
Fear Me!!
Freeza Does Battle With a 3rd Transformation
Dende no Shi… Dete Koi! Tobikiri Zenkai Pawā
The Death of Dende…
Come Forth! Intense, Full-Force Power
Dragon Ball Z Volume #15
- 01 March 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Machi ni Matta ze, Kono Shunkan!!! Son Gokū ga Fukkatsu da
The Moment We’ve Waited For!!!
Son Goku is Revived
Munen…!! Hokori Takaki Saiya-jin · Bejīta Shisu
Such Regret…!!
The Proud Saiyan, Vegeta Dies
Chō-Kessen no Makuake da!! Omē dake wa Ora ga Taosu
The Curtain Opens on the Super Decisive Battle!!
I Am Going to Defeat You
Gekitotsu no Ni Dai-Sūpā Pawā! Honki Dōshi no Nikudansen!!!
The Two Great Superpowers Collide!
A Physical Battle Where Both Get Serious!!!
Furīza Kyōfu no Sengen! Te o Tsukawazu Omae o Taosu
Freeza’s Terrible Declaration!
I Will Defeat You Without Using My Hands
Hattari ja Nē zo!! Daitan Suteki na Yatsu · Son Gokū
That Ain’t No Bluff!!
The Audaciously Wonderful Guy, Son Goku
Dragon Ball Z Volume #16
- 05 April 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Ketchaku da!! Honō no Keshin Nijū-Bai Kaiō-Ken no Kamehameha
The Embodiment of Flame in a 20-Fold Kaiō-Ken Kamehameha
Chō-Tokudai no Genki-Dama Kore ga Saigo no Kirifuda da!!
An Extra-Large Genki-Dama
This is the Final Trump Card!!
Chansu o Ikase!! Pikkoro Sutemi no Engo Shageki
Seize the Chance!!
Piccolo’s Suicide Support Strike
Genki-Dama no Chō-Hakairyoku!! Ikinokotta no wa Dare da!?
The Incredible Destructive Force of the Genki-Dama!!
Who Will Survive?!
Tsui ni Henshin!! Densetsu no Sūpā Saiya-jin · Son Gokū
Transformed At Last!!
The Legendary Super Saiyan, Son Goku
Ikari Bakuhatsu!! Gokū yo, Min’na no Kataki o Utte Kure
An Explosion of Anger!!
Goku, Avenge Everyone’s Deaths
Dragon Ball Z Volume #17
- 05 April 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Namekku-sei Shōmetsu ka!? Daichi o Tsuranuku Ma no Senkō
The Destruction of Planet Namek?!
A Demonic Flash Penetrates the Ground
Katsu no wa Ore da… Ikinokori o Kaketa Saishū Kōgeki
I Am Going To Win…
Risking Survival, A Final Attack
Shenron yo Uchū o Hashire!! Semaru Namekku-sei Shōmetsu no Toki
Shenlong, Fly Through Space!!
The Time of Namek’s Destruction Draws Near
Boku wa Son Gokū no Musuko da!! Gohan, Futatabi Kessenjō e
I am Son Goku’s Son!!
Gohan Returns to the Battlefield
Ore wa Kono Hoshi ni Nokoru!! Shōri e no Saigo no Negai
I’m Staying on This Planet!!
A Final Wish Toward Victory
Tokoton Yarō ze!! Kieyuku Hoshi ni Nokotta Futari
Let’s Get It On!!
Two Remain on a Vanishing Planet
Dragon Ball Z Volume #18
- 05 April 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Aware Furīza! Furuedashitara Tomaranai!!
Pathos of Freeza!
Once He Starts Shaking He’s Unstoppable!!
Gokū no Shōri Sengen da!! Furīza ga Jimetsu Suru Toki…
Goku’s Declaration of Victory!!
As Freeza Destroys Himself…
Furīza Yabureru!! Subete no Ikari o Kometa Ichigeki
Freeza Defeated!!
A Single Blast Packed With a Totailty of Rage
Namekku-sei Dai-Bakuhatsu!! Uchū ni Kieta Gokū
Planet Namek’s Great Explosion!!
Goku Disappears into Space
Ikite Ita Son Gokū Zetto Senshi Zen’in Fukkatsu da!!
Son Goku Survived
The Z Warriors Are All Resurrected!!
Tenkai ga Taihen da!! Gārikku Junia ga Kami ni Naru!?
Terrible Happenings in Heaven!!
Garlic Jr. Becomes God?!
Dragon Ball Z Volume #19
- 26 April 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Kyōfu no Kuroi Kiri…!! Min’na Mazoku ni Nacchatta
Black Mist of Terror…!!
Everyone Turns Demonic
Tenkai ga Senjō da!! Pikkoro ga Mazoku ni Gyakumodori…
The Heavens Become the Battlefield!!
Piccolo Becomes Devilish Again…
Pikkoro to Chokusetsu Taiketsu!! Tenkai ni Ikari no Masenkō
A Direct Confrontation with Piccolo!!
An Angry Masenko in the Heavens
Min’na no Kokoro o Torimodose!! Shinden ni Nemuru Chō-Shinsui
Restore Everyone’s Minds!!
The Ultra Holy Water Resting in the Temple
Asa made Matenai!! Kami-sama no Kakugo o Kimeta Kesshikō
It Can’t Wait Until Morning!!
God Decides on a Suicidal Course of Action
Chō-Kageki ni Shōbu da!! Okite Yaburi no Kami-sama
A Battle of Extreme Measures!!
God Breaks the Covenant
Dragon Ball Z Volume #20
- 26 April 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Kīta ze Chō-Shinsui!! Sekai ga Akumu kara Sameta
The Ultra Holy Water Worked!!
The World Awakens From its Nightmare
Gohan ni Isshun no Shōki!! Ano Makyō-sei o Ute…
Gohan’s Brief Chance for Victory!!
Hit the Makyō Planet…
Otoko da Nē… Kuririn Hyakuikkaime no Puropōzu
You’re My Guy… Kuririn
The 101st Proposal
Are ga Chikyū da yo Papa… Furīza Oyako no Gyakushū
That’s Earth, Papa…
Freeza and his Father Strike Back
Furīza wa Boku ga Taosu… Gokū o Matsu Nazo no Shōnen
I Will Defeat Freeza…
The Mysterious Boy Awaiting Goku
Furīza o Ittō Ryōdan!! Mō Hitori no Sūpā Saiya-jin
Freeza Halved By a Single Blow!!
Another Super Saiyan
Dragon Ball Z Volume #21
- 26 April 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Ossu!! Hisashiburi… Kaette Kita Son Gokū
Heya!! It’s Been a While…
Son Goku Returns
Boku no Chichi wa Bejīta Desu… Nazo no Shōnen no Kokuhaku
My Dad is Vegeta…
Confessions of the Mysterious Boy
Gokū no Shinhissatsuwaza!? Mite Kure, Ora no Shunkan-Idō
Goku’s New Finishing Technique?!
Watch This, My Instant Movement
Koete Yaru… Gokū o!! Sentō Minzoku Saiya-jin no Ō
I Will Overcome… Goku!!
The King of the Fighting Saiyan Race
Menkyo Kaiden? Gokū no Arata naru Shiren
License Mastery?
Goku’s Newest Trial
Kehai o Motanu Satsujinki Doitsu ga Jinzōningen da!?
Murderers Who Leave No Trace
Which Ones Are the Artificial Humans?!
Dragon Ball Z Volume #22
- 07 June 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Reiketsu Nijū-Gō no Akugyaku Hidō!! Gokū · Ikari no Chō-Henshin
The Cold-Blooded No. 20’s Hideous Atrocities!!
Goku’s Super Transformation of Anger
Gokū, Daburu Shokku!! Yamai to Teki no Hasamiuchi
Goku’s Double-Shock!!
Caught Between Illness and Adversary
Bejīta Tsuyoshi!! Mezameru Sūpā Saiya-jin no Chi
The Might of Vegeta!!
The Blood of a Super Saiyan Awakens
Nijū-Gō no Futeki na Warai… Dokutā Gero no Himitsu
No. 20’s Defiant Smile…
The Secret of Doctor Gero
Jijitsu wa Mirai yori Osoroshī!? Torankusu no Giwaku
A Present More Terrifying Than the Future?!
Trunks’ Suspicions
Tsuigeki!!! Dokutā Gero Nazo no Kenkyūjo o Sagashidase
Give Chase!!
The Search for Doctor Gero’s Mysterious Lab
Dragon Ball Z Volume #23
- 07 June 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Soshite Kyōfu ga Genjitsu ni… Mezameru Jūnana-Gō to Jūhachi-Gō!!
And the Terror Becomes a Reality…
No. 17 and No. 18 Awaken!!
Subete ga Teokure ka!? Gokū o Korosu Saishū Heiki
Too Late to Do Anything?!
The Ultimate Weapons to Kill Goku
Kawaī Kao de Chō-Pawā!? Jūhachi-Gō ni Shikaku Nashi
A Cute Face, and Super Power?!
No. 18 Has No Blind Spot
Dare ni mo Yatsura o Tomerarenai… Zetto Senshi Zenmetsu ka!?
Nobody Can Stop Them…
Is This the End of the Z Warriors?!
Pikkoro no Ketsui!! Totte Oki no Saigo no Shudan
Piccolo’s Decision!!
The Last Measure in His Reserve
Dragon Ball Z Volume #24
- 07 June 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Aruku Chō-Hakai Heiki!! Jinzōningen ga Gokū ni Semaru
Walking Weapons of Mass Destruction!!
The Artificial Humans Draw Near Goku
Fukitsu na Yokan! Buruma ga Shiraseta Misuterī
An Ominous Premonition!
Bulma Unveils a Mystery
Jāku no Tamago o Hakken!! Kyōfu Suru Torankusu
The Discovery of an Evil Egg!!
A Terrified Trunks
Katsute Nai Teki ni Mukete… Sūpā Namekku-seijin Tanjō!!
To Face an Unprecedented Foe…
A Super Namekian is Born!!
Kamehameha!? Gokū no Ki o Motsu Monsutā
The Kamehameha?!
The Monster Who Possesses Goku’s Energy
Dragon Ball Z Volume #25
- 05 July 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Zōo to Hakai no Seimeitai!! Yatsu no Na wa Jinzōningen Seru
A Life Form of Evil and Destruction!!
His Name is Artificial Human Cell
Pikkoro Tsūkon no Dai-Shippai! Seru ga Machi ni Hanatareta!
Piccolo’s Grievous Mistake!
Cell Escapes Into the City!
Seru Tanjō no Himitsu! Kenkyūjo no Chika ni Nani ga Aru!?
The Secret of Cell’s Birth!
What Lies Below the Laboratory?!
Gokū Tatakai e no Mezame! Sūpā Saiya-jin o Koero!!
Goku Awakens to Battle!
Go Beyond the Super Saiyan!!
Shugyō o Isoge Saiya-jin! Seishin to Toki no Heya de…
Hasten Your Training, Saiyans!
In the Room of Spirit and Time…
Dragon Ball Z Volume #26
- 05 July 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Ten o Saku Gekiretsu Kōdan!! Pikkoro Tai Jinzōningen Jūnana-Gō
The Gekiretsu Kodan that Split the Heavens!!
Piccolo vs Artificial Human No. 17
Kono Hi o Matte Ita!! Seru · Kanzentai e no Jokyoku
How I Have Waited For this Day!!
Cell’s Prologue to Perfection
Sutemi no Hangeki Oyobazu! Pikkoro Moetsukiro!!
The Suicidal Counterattack Proves Ineffective!
Piccolo’s Flame Burns Out!!
Nokosareta Yuītsu no Nozomi… Mugon no Senshi Jūroku-Gō Tatsu!!
One Final Remaining Hope…
The Silent Warrior No. 16 Takes Action!!
Jūnana-Gō o Nomikonda… Henshin Seru wa Chō-Gurume
No. 17 is Swallowed…
The Transforming Cell is a Super Gourmet
Ashita wa Omē o Tatakinomesu!! Gokū no Chōsenjō
Tomorrow I am Going to Pulverize You!!
Goku’s Challenge
Dragon Ball Z Volume #27
- 05 July 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Subete Ore ga Katazukeru!! Shinsei Bejīta Oyako Shutsugen
I’ll Finish Everything!!
A Reborn Vegeta, Father and Son, Sally Forth
Ikinari Zenkai!! Hikarikagayaku Bejīta no Chō-Pawā
Suddenly Full-Throttle!!
The Radiant Vegeta’s Super Power
Seru yo Hizamazuke! Ore wa Sūpā Bejīta da!!
On Your Knees, Cell!
I am Super Vegeta!!
Kiken na Puraido!! Kanzentai Seru e no Chōsen
Dangerous Pride!!
A Challenge to Cell’s Perfect Form
Ore Nayanjau!! Kuririn no Jūhachi-Gō Hakai Kōsaku
I’m So Distraught!!
Kuririn’s Handiwork in Destroying No. 18
Zen’uchū ni Shōgeki!! Seru, Kanzentai no Kyōi no Shinka
A Shock to the Entire Universe!!
Cell, A Spectacular Evolution Toward His Perfect Form
Dragon Ball Z Volume #28
- 02 August 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Sentō-ryoku Mugendai!! Seru to Iu Na no Hakaishin Tanjō
An Infinate Battle Power!!
The Birth of the God of Destruction is Named Cell
Sūpā Bejīta Ayaushi!! Kanzen Muketsu no Kyōfu ga Semaru!!
Super Vegeta in Peril!!
An Absolutely Perfect Terror Closes In!!
Sūpā Saiya-jin no Genkai Toppa!! Arashi o Yobu Torankusu
Breaking Through the Boundaries of the Super Saiyan!!
Trunks Summons a Storm
Chichi o Sukue!! Ten o mo Kogasu Torankusu no Ikari
Save Your Father!!
Trunks’ Fury, Which Scorches Even the Heavens
Zetsubō no Mirai!! Jigoku o Ikinuita Otoko Torankusu
A Future of Despair!!
Trunks, the Man Who Lived Through Hell
Sūpā Torankusu ni Jakuten!! Seru, Shōgeki no Bakudan Hatsugen
Super Trunks Has a Weakness!!
Cell, A Shocking Bombshell Declaration
Dragon Ball Z Volume #29
- 02 August 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Gokū ni Semaru Daikessen!! Shin-Tenka’ichi Budōkai no Nazo
A Final Battle Closes in on Goku!!
The Mystery of the New Tenka’ichi Budōkai
Shichōritsu Hyaku Pāsento!! Shi o Yobu Seru Gēmu Dokusen Namahōsō
Ratings 100%!!
The Cell Games Call for Death With an Exclusive Live Broadcast
Gokū to Gohan… Hīrō Oyako Kyūkyoku no Reberu Appu
Goku and Gohan…
The Hero Father and Son’s Ultimate Level-Up
Gokū no Yoyū!? Yasunde Matō Seru Gēmu
Goku’s Composure?!
Just Rest and Wait for the Cell Games
Senshi no Kyūsoku… Shōjo to Uso to Gohan no Ketsui
The Relaxation of the Fighters…
The Girl, The Lie, and Gohan’s Decision
Himerareta Chikara!! Gohan ga Akanbō Datta Koro
The Hidden Strength!!
When Gohan Was a Baby
Dragon Ball Z Volume #30
- 02 August 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Kami-sama o Sagashidase!! Gokū, Dai-Shunkan-Idō
Find a New God!!
Goku, the Great Instant Movement
Dende no Hatsu Shigoto!! Doragon Bōru Fukkatsu da
Dende’s New Occupation!!
The Dragon Balls are Revived
Gokū ni Nanmon!? Doragon Bōru o Torimodose
Goku’s Perplexing Problem?!
The Dragon Balls are Taken Back
Seru ni Idomu Mono-tachi!! Kessen no Makuake
Cell’s Standing Challenge!!
The Opening to the Decisive Battle
Chotto Matta!! Satan Gun Ōabare
Wait Just a Minute!!
The Great Satan Army Arrives
Shōbu da Gokū!! Chō-Kinpaku Seru Gēmu
Goku’s Bout!!
The Super-Tense Cell Games
Dragon Ball Z Volume #31
- 06 September 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Chikyū Chokugeki!! Seru no Tokudai Kamehameha
A Direct Hit to the Earth!!
Cell’s Huge Kamehameha
Haiboku ka Shi ka!? Gokū, Gyakuten no Hisaku
Lose or Die?!
Goku, A Secret Turnabout Plan
Shitō ni Ketchaku!! Gokū no Kōsan Sengen!?
The End of the Desperate Struggle!!
Goku Surrenders?!
Saikyō o Tsugu Mono… Sono Na wa Gohan
Someone Who Will Succeed the Strongest…
His Name is Gohan
Ikare Gohan Nemureru Chikara o Yobiokose
Get Angry, Gohan
Release the Dormant Power Within
Chitcha na Kyōi!! Seru Junia Raishū
Miniature Threats!!
The Cell Juniors Attack
Dragon Ball Z Volume #32
- 06 September 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Jūroku-Gō Muzan!! Ugokidashita Ikari no Son Gohan
The Tragedy of No. 16!!
Super Gohan’s Anger Explodes
Fukiareru Shin no Chikara!! Seru Junia Funsai
Anger Exploding Into Power!!
The Cell Juniors are Destroyed
Seru o Nokku Auto!! Tatta Nihatsu no Chō-Tekken
Cell is Knocked Out!!
Taken Down With Two Super Punches
Seru ni Ihen!! Kuzusareta Kanzentai
Cell’s Disaster!!
The Destruction of His Perfect Body
Bai Bai Min’na!! Gokū Saigo no Shunkan-Idō
Bye-Bye Everyone!!
Goku’s Last Instant Movement
Hakuchū no Akuma!! Kyōfu wa yori Kanpeki ni
The Nightmare is Reborn!!
An Absolute and Perfect Terror
Dragon Ball Z Volume #33
- 06 September 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Gokū kara Gohan e… Chichi no Tamashī wa Tsutawatta
From Goku to Gohan…
A Father’s Spirit is Passed Down
Tatakai wa Owatta… Arigatō Son Gokū
The Fight is Over…
Thank You, Son Goku
Ora Ano Yo de Shugyō Suru!! Egao no Wakare
I Will Carry On in the Next World!!
Farewell with a Smile
Atarashī Hibi… Tōsan! Boku ga Ganbaru
A New Day Will Come…
Father! I’ll Hang in There
Mō Hitotsu no Ketsumatsu!! Mirai wa Ore ga Mamoru
End it All Again!!
I Will Protect the Future
Dai-Kangeki!! Ita zo! Ano-yo no Sugē Yatsu
A Great Inspiration!!
I’m Ready! The Awesome Guy from the Afterlife
Dragon Ball Z Volume #34
- 04 October 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Ano-yo’ichi wa Ora da!! Rekishi no Yūsha Dai-Shūgō
I’m the Best in the Afterlife!!
The Great Assembly of Past Heroes
Dai Kaiō-sei Nekkyō!! Makiokose Gokū Senpū
Wild Enthusiasm on Dai Kaiō’s Planet!!
Goku Stirs Up a Whirlwind
Honō no Kesshō!! Gokū ka Paikūhan ka!?
A Blazing Decision!!
Will it be Goku or Paikuhan?!
Nogasu na Shōri!! Kimero Chōsoku Kamehameha
Don’t Let Victory Escape!!
Decided With an Ultra-Fast Kamehameha
Are kara Shichinen! Kyō kara Boku wa Kōkōsei
It’s Been 7 Years Since That Event!
Starting Today, I’m a High School Student
Ai to Seigi no Gurēto Saiyaman Sanjō
The Champion and Lover of Justice
The Great Saiyaman Appears
Dragon Ball Z Volume #35
- 04 October 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Gohan no Hachamecha Hatsu Dēto!?
Gohan’s Confusing First Date?!
Gohan, Kinkyū Shutsudō! Bīderu o Sukue!!
Gohan, Get Moving Quick!
Rescue Videl!!
Tōnan Jiken Hassei!! Han’nin wa Saiyaman!?
A Robbery Case!!
The Culprit is Saiyaman?!
Gokū mo Fukkatsu!? Tenka’ichi Budōkai Shutsujō da!!
Goku’s Also Resurrected?!
He’s Participating in the Tenka’ichi Budōkai!!
Gohan mo Bikkuri! Goten no Bakuhatsu Pawā
Even Gohan is Surprised!
Goten’s Explosion of Power
A Tobeta!! Bīderu no Bukūjutsu Nyūmon
Ah, I Flew!!
Videl’s Introduction to Flight
Dragon Ball Z Volume #36
- 04 October 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Okaeri Gokū! Zetto Chīmu Zen’in Shūgō!!
Welcome Back, Goku!
The Whole Z Team Assembles!!
Ayaushi Saiyaman! Gekisha ni Goyōjin!?
You’re in Danger, Saiyaman!
Guard Yourself Against a Perfectly Timed Photo?!
Hanpa ja Nai ze!! Chibi Torankusu
No Small Matter!!
Little Trunks
Boku no Deban da!! Goten, Kinchō no Daīssen
It’s My Turn!!
Goten’s Anxious First Fight
Ureshisa Hyakumanbai! Shōnen Chanpion Kettei!!
Happiness Times a Million!
The Boys Champion is Decided!!
Dō Suru Satan!? Shijō Saidai no Pinchi
Now What, Satan?!
The Greatest Pinch in History
Dragon Ball Z Volume #37
- 01 November 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Taisen Aite Kettei!! Hayaku Yarō ze Ikkaisen
Event Match-ups Decided!!
Let’s Hurry and Hold the First Round
Dō Shita Pikkoro!! Masa ka no Fusenbai
What’s the Matter, Piccolo?!
An Unheard-of No-Fight Forfeit
Fujimi de Bukimi!? Supopobitchi no Nazo
Undyingly Unpleasant?!
The Mystery of Spopovitch
Bīderu Muzan!! Deru ka Ikari no Sūpā Gohan
A Tragic Videl!!
Are You Coming Out, Angry Super Gohan?
Barechatta!! Saiyaman wa Son Gohan
The Saiyaman is Son Gohan
Ugomeku Inbō!! Gohan no Pawā ga Ubawareta
A Slithering Conspiracy!!
Gohan’s Power is Stolen
Dragon Ball Z Volume #38
- 01 November 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Kuromaku Tōjō!! Aku no Madōshi Babidi
The Man Behind the Curtain Appears!!
The Evil Mage Bobbidi
Machiukeru Wana!! Makai kara no Chōsenjō
The Awaiting Trap!!
A Challenge From the Demon Realm
Nameru na!! Bejīta Ikari no Hassen Toppa
Don’t Toy With Me!!
Vegeta’s Breakthrough First Strike of Fury
Gokū Pawā Zenkai!! Buttobe Yakon
Goku’s Power Wide Open!!
Blow Away Yakon
Dai-Gosan!! Satan Tai San’nin no Chō-Senshi!?
A Great Miscalculation!!
Satan vs Three Super Warriors?!
Tsuyoi ze Chibikko!! Jūhachi-Gō Dai-Kusen!?
Such Strong Kids!!
No. 18’s Close Fight?!
Dragon Ball Z Volume #39
- 01 November 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Tachihadakaru Maō! Deban da Gohan!!
A Confrontation With the Demon King!
It’s Your Turn Gohan!!
Mitsukerareta Jashin!! Dābura no Meian
A Wicked Heart is Discovered!!
Dabra’s Good Idea
Hakai Ōji Bejīta Fukkatsu!! Budōkai Rannyū
Vegeta, the Prince of Destruction, is Revived!!
Intrusion at the Budōkai
Shukumei no Chō-Taiketsu!! Gekitotsu Gokū Tai Bejīta
A Super Confrontation of Destiny!!
The Clash of Goku vs Vegeta
Matte’ro Babidi!! Yabō wa Yurusanai
Just You Wait, Bobbidi!!
Your Aspirations Will Not be Allowed
Toketa Fūin! Deru Kyōaku Majin Bū!!
The Seal is Broken!
Out Comes the Vicious Majin Boo!!
Dragon Ball Z Volume #40
- 06 December 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Fukkatsu Sasenai!! Teikō no Kamehameha
I Won’t Allow the Revival!!
A Kamehameha of Resistance
Zetsubō e Itchokusen!? Nageki no Kaiōshin
A Straight Line to Despair?!
The Grief of Kaiōshin
Majin Osoru Beshi!! Gohan ni Semaru Shi no Kyōfu
The Terrifying Majin!!
Gohan’s Approaching Fear of Death
Tabechau zo!! Harapeko Majin no Chō-Nōryoku
Gonna Eat’cha!!
A Hungry Majin’s Supernatural Power
Senshi no Ketsui!! Majin wa Ore ga Shimatsu Suru
A Warrior’s Resolution!!
I Will Dispose of the Majin
Ai Suru Mono no Tame ni… Bejīta Chiru!!
For Those Whom He Loves…
Vegeta Perishes!!
Dragon Ball Z Volume #41
- 06 December 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Akumu Futatabi! Ikite Ita Majin Bū
The Nightmare Revisited!
Majin Boo has Survived
Bīderu-tachi no Funtō! Sagase Doragon Bōru
The Struggle of Videl and the Others!
Find the Dragon Balls
Dekkai Kibō!! Chibi-tachi no Shin-Hissatsuwaza
Enormous Hope!!
A New Finishing Technique for the Little Squirts
Goten Torankusu Zensekai ni Shimei Tehai
Goten and Trunks
The World’s Most Wanted
Gohan Fukkatsu Kaiōshin no Himitsu Heiki!?
Gohan is Revived
Kaiōshin’s Secret Weapon?!
Nuketaa~!! Densetsu no Zetto Sōdo
It Came Ou~t!!
The Legendary Z Sword
Dragon Ball Z Volume #42
- 06 December 2006
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Nerawareta Nishi no Miyako! Tomare Majin Bū!!
West City is Targeted!
Stop, Majin Boo!!
At’to Odoroku Dai-Henshin!! Sūpā Saiya-jin Surī
An Astounding, Great Transformation!!
Super Saiyan 3
Bai Bai · Babidi!! Majin Bū Hangyaku
Bye-Bye, Bobbidi!!
Majin Boo Rebels
Mecha Kakko Warui!? Tokkun Henshin Pōzu
Absurdly Awful Looking?!
The Special Training Transformation Pose
Jā na Min’na!! Gokū Ano Yo ni Kaeru
See You Later, Everybody!!
Goku Returns to the Other World
Gohan wa Doko da!? Kaiōshin-kai no Mōtokkun
Where is Gohan?!
Training in the Kaiōshin Realm
Dragon Ball Z Volume #43
- 10 January 2007
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Uso Daro!? Zetto Sōdo ga Orechatta
You’re Kidding, Right?!
The Z Sword is Broken
Gattai Chōjin Tanjō!! Sono Na wa Gotenkusu
The Birth of a Superhuman Warrior!!
His Name is Gotenks
Saishū Heiki Shidō!? Satan wa Chikyū o Sukū
The Final Weapon is Engaged?!
Satan Will Save the Earth
Korosu no Yameta!! Majin Bū Yoi Ko Sengen
I’ve Stopped Killing!!
Majin Boo’s Good Boy Declaration
Nigero Satan!! Ikari no Majin Bū Shutsugen
Run Away, Satan!!
An Angry Majin Boo Emerges
Dotchi ga Katsu no!? Zen’aku Bū-Bū Taiketsu
Which One Will Win?!
A Good and Evil Boo-Boo Confrontation
Dragon Ball Z Volume #44
- 10 January 2007
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Matta Nashi no Hakyoku!! Chikyū Jinrui Zetsumetsu
A Catastrophe With No Time to Lose!!
Earth’s Humanity is Exterminated
Tokkun Seikō!! Kore de Owari da Majin Bū
The Special Training is a Success!!
You’re Finished Now, Majin Boo
Honki de Iku ze!! Sūpā Gotenkusu Zenkai
I’m Going Like I Mean It!!
A Wide-Open Super Gotenks
Yatta ze!! Obake de Seikō Bū Taiji!?
I’ve Done It!!
Boo Successfully Eliminated With Ghosts?!
Ijigen kara no Dasshutsu!! Sūpā Gotenkusu Surī
Escape From Another Dimension!!
Super Gotenks 3
Norisugi!? Bū-Bū Barēbōru
Going Too Far?!
Boo-Boo Volleyball
Dragon Ball Z Volume #45
- 10 January 2007
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Masa ni Gurēto!! Shinsei Gohan Chikyū e
Truly Great!!
A Reborn Gohan Returns to Earth
Bū o Attō!! Gohan no Mirakuru Pawā
Boo is Overwhelmed!!
Gohan’s Miracle Power
Yatta ka!? Majin Bū Dai-Bakuhatsu
Has He Done It?!
Majin Boo’s Great Explosion
Bū Saiaku no Hansoku!! Gotenkusu Kyūshū!?
Boo’s Worst Foul Play!!
Gotenks is Absorbed?!
Zen’uchū no Tame ni… Yomigaere Son Gokū
For the Sake of the Entire Universe…
Return to Life, Son Goku
Kiseki wa Ichido… Naru ka Gohan to no Chō-Gattai
A One Time Only Miracle…
Will the Super Combination With Gohan Come About?
Dragon Ball Z Volume #46
- 07 February 2007
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Gattai!! Bejīta no Hokori to Gokū no Ikari
Vegeta’s Pride and Goku’s Rage
Sōzetsu Pawā!! Kyūkyoku o Koeru Bejitto
Magnificent Power!!
Vegetto Surpasses the Ultimate
Jigen ni Kiretsu!! Bū ga Kirechatta!?
A Fissure Between Dimensions!!
Has Boo Snapped?!
Bū no Oku no Te!! Amedama ni Natchae
The Ace Up Boo’s Sleeve!!
You Become a Hard Candy
Hīrō Sōshitsu!? Kyūshū Sareta Bejitto
A Hero is Lost?!
Vegetto is Absorbed
Ma no Meikyū!! Bū no Onaka ni Nani ga Aru!?
A Demonic Maze!!
What is There Inside Boo’s Belly?!
Dragon Ball Z Volume #47
- 07 February 2007
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Akumu ka Maboroshi ka!? Gokū to Gohan no Oyako Taiketsu
Nightmares or Illusions?!
Goku and Gohan’s Father-Son Confrontation
Majin no Himitsu!! Bū no Naka ni Futari no Bū
The Majin’s Secret!!
Two More Boo’s Inside of Boo
Deguchi wa Doko da!? Kuzureru Bū kara Dasshutsu
Where is the Exit?!
Escape From a Collapsing Boo
Chikyū Shōmetsu!! Bū Jāku e no Gyaku-Henshin
Earth Disappears!!
Boo’s Reverse-Transformation of Evil
Bū Raishū!! Kaiōshin-kai de Ketchaku da
Boo’s Assault!!
A Conclusion in the Kaiōshin Realm
Mirai o Tsukame!! Uchū o Kaketa Daikessen
Seize the Future!!
A Decisive Battle With the Universe at Stake
Dragon Ball Z Volume #48
- 07 February 2007
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Bejīta Datsubō!! Gokū Omae ga Nanbā Wan da
Vegeta Takes Off His Hat!!
Goku, You are No. 1
Taenuke Bejīta!! Inochigake no Ippunkan
Pull Through, Vegeta!!
One Life-Threatening Minute
Satan o Ijimeru na!! Ganso Bū Fukkatsu
Don’t You Pick on Satan!!
The Original Boo is Revived
Bejīta no Hisaku!! Porunga to Futatsu no Negai
Vegeta’s Secret Plan!!
Porunga and the Two Wishes
Saigo no Kibō!! Tsukuru ze Dekkai Genki-Dama
A Last Hope!!
We’ll Make a Huge Genki-Dama
Chō-Kangeki!! Dekita ze Min’na no Genki-Dama
Ultra Impressive!!
The Genki-Dama From Everyone is Finished
Dragon Ball Z Volume #49
- 07 February 2007
- Retail
- ¥3,800 (+ tax)
- Retail
- 4:3 Standard
- Format
Yappari Saikyō Son Gokū!! Majin Bū Shōmetsu
Son Goku is the Strongest After All!!
Majin Boo is Annihilated
Modotta Heiwa!! Seigi no Mikata Majin Bū!?
Peace Returns!!
Majin Boo, the Champion of Justice?!
Osoi ze Gokū! Min’na de Pāti!!
You’re Late, Goku!
Everyone Party!!
Gokū Ojī-chan! Watashi ga Pan yo!!
Grandpa Goku!
I Am Pan!!
Oira wa Ûbu! Ima Jussai de Moto Majin!?
I Am Oob!
Now 10 Years Old, the Former Majin?!
Motto Tsuyoku!! Gokū no Yume wa Chō-Dekkē
Even Stronger!!
Goku’s Dream is Super-Huge